New Faith Network sees rapid growth in Australia

Since its launch in November 2020, New Faith Network has rapidly grown in Australia. The Christian streaming service’s mission is to inspire Christians globally by bringing faith-based and family-friendly entertainment to them in a new, modern way. New Faith Network offers a broad collection of films and series that reflect on Christian values, and are guaranteed to be free of swearing, nudity and violence. As Machiel Copier, New Faith Network’s Editor-in-Chief, notes, “We are happy to be providing a safe viewing environment for the entire family, with the story of Jesus at its core.”


Established in 2017 in the Netherlands, New Faith Network is a market leader, active in eight countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia.

Copier recalls why the streaming service started in the first place: “We realised that although a lot of Christians love to watch faith-based films and series, mainstream platforms like Netflix only have a handful of Christian titles. We, therefore, created New Faith Network, with stories of faith, hope and love, that inspire Christians, and that are in line with their values.”

The platform experienced fast and significant growth in Europe, and now it’s inspiring an increasing number of Christians in Australia as well. The number of subscribers has risen enormously and the New Faith Network team believes there are many more people to join.

According to Copier, “There is a lot of demand in Australia for safe films and series that can be watched by the whole family. Subscribers constantly tell us how happy they are with New Faith Network having finally become available in Australia.”

The streaming service offers a wide range of films and series, such as God Bless the Broken Road, From the Heart, Wild Faith, I Believe and Vindication. New films and series are added to New Faith Network’s library weekly.

“We hope these series inspire everyone out there to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and to make a difference in their communities.”


There are also plenty of films and series that children can watch, like the famous children’s series Torchlighters, Jesus Wonder and Lukas Storyteller. These are educational tools that teach kids the stories in the Bible in a playful way.

“Since we carefully screen all our content before it becomes available for streaming, parents can let their kids enjoy New Faith Network without any worries,” says Copier. “Before we launched our service, very few Christian films and series for children were available in Australia,” he continues. “Our platform has completely changed that and we are determined to keep searching for new content to add.”

Own productions

On top of the films and series that are already available, New Faith Network will soon start with its own productions, together with independent filmmakers in Australia. Els Griffioen, Senior Producer, notes “In the UK and the Netherlands we’ve produced successful documentary series, like The Origin and The Backpack. In these series, we hear the honest and powerful testimonies of people who saw their lives completely transform after coming to Christ.

“Through our own productions, we want to highlight how trusting God can help us persevere through adversity, and change us for the better. We hope that these series inspire everyone out there to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and to make a difference in their communities.”

Free trial period

New Faith Network Australia is available here, on mobile devices and SmartTVs. After a free trial period of 14 days, subscribers pay $9.95 per month or $99.95 a year. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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